Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Last Lecture

The journey of an entrepreneur, for me has been to discover that I am not totally there, I do create my own money, in other words, I create a job but I do not create a business yet, I am on my way, though. I would strongly recommend saving money and think carefully on the ideas you may have in mind. To own a business is not as difficult as it seems, but sometimes, it takes many tries to find out the best way to do it. First you have to focus on something that you like doing it. I failed with big capitals for trying to do things that I have no expertise about, only did it because others were making money on it. It was not a good way to precede, consequences? Money lost in big amounts. Then, I decided to continue doing what I do, The thing is when you have a wife and children, it is more complicated. Keep the eternal perspective on the things you are planning to do, do not make it for the money, find a business where you enjoy doing it and doing it solves anybody’s problems or needs, take your family with you, help them see and enjoy what you are doing, It is very interesting to end up concluding that It is actually   If you have a job, consider it a base for your independent endeavor, but if you do not have one, depending on the country where you live in, consider an advantage, you will not experience the frustration of losing it, you already do not have it, on the contrary, you will discover the power of making money out of nothing. You need to give credit to yourself and work, believe in your idea. Any beginning is hard, yours will not be different, but Serve others, When others find their needs satisfied after buying your product, you have the beginning of a business, Save money and be generous with your profits, Organize your time and schedule your activities, a good organization takes seriously time and it does not give any problem to any body, as long as it lasts, A business in our own is hard work but hard work is the business.

I want to point out what I actually have lived so far. I have never lasted in a job more than two years, sometimes I wish I were like my fellow friends where I see them living an apparent happiness, I do not know If I have wasted money, time or opportunities in trying to build my own business, Now at the University taking this business courses, I learned that I do not own a business yet, but I have the potential to have one. It is taking me a lot of work. Because now I learned by experience that I can actually make money every day and that I do not have to wait anything. I do not have to wait for a big loan or whatever similar. In my eyes I have seen others making more money than me selling other things, while I make forty cents per soda others make like $ 1  per sell, may be the difference is the times I sell something, I have chosen selling sodas because it is something it is needed at the moment, it is a seasonal business though. I have also learned that you can sell it anytime of the year and at any hour of the day. I believe that if I keep working, I will get to the day where my capital will be enough to start a business, without a loan. In conclussion I know now, that I am working to raise my capital and to invest on something that I am actually working, and I am working on 3 things so far, I am teaching English, I am doing translations, and I am selling sodas in the street. But now, I have a website and I learned more skills, I started to think on guiding tourists. Two of my first ideas, I need to work on them, selling things in the street will give me the capital for it. I do believe more than ever that it is possible. It is going to take me time and work but I will do it. Taking this course has helped me to discover and assured in me that I have always been in the right path, I am not only one occupation, I want to do more things in life and my life, it is not the life I wanted to live but it is the beginning, I have learned many lessons and I learned to put the knowledge into practice, It is possible and I can do it. I will do it.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

A Journey of Gratitude

I am thankful for all the blessings of this course I remember hearing this message from Elder Monson, about the importance of being thankful, I wish things would have been different in my life, but they are like they are, they are not perfect but it is my life, for all that I am thankful, I will keep working, assuming less and trying to make my decisions on facts instead of tricks of my  mind, there is a world out there I have to face, and I feel blessed for taking part of the university now. It is only the beginning and with the mercy of the Lord in spite of all the difficulties, I will make it to the end. I am thankful for having the chance of knowing about the program, for taking that exam at the beginning of 2014, I am thankful for the way ended up that year as a pathway student and I can not believe a semester has gone, I will make better decisions next semester but most important, I have already started to use the things I learned to start improving the businesses I have started, I thought I did not have any, but I have, they are not big, but If I keep working they will, I just need to apply the principles I have learned so far, and the ones for sure I will learn.  I have stopped thinking and acting like someone without a north, I have a north in my career, I am the middle of it and I will be more proactive about it, I have to recognize that after experiencing many different activities, I have become someone with different skills, I am learning to see that.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Changing the world

I have learned a lot from the speaking of President Monson about the importance of avoiding debt, taking care of the family and about not judging to others, I also learned to love more and be thankful for the things I have

I like the mentor assignment I have taken and the questions I answered helped me see that there is hope for me in the entrepreneurial career, I am an entrepreneur who needs to sharp his work. I am going that way,
Create a community, not just a product, a community, to have a vision on the things you create, make something personal, a vision something compelling, make information accessible. It takes a strong will to create a medicine that destroy smallpox the same will we need to build a new company. From all the things I will or I want to do how much I am prepared to quit when the time comes, I have always learned and knew that whatever I build it is going to be for the glory of God and whatever he wants to do with it. It is something I always try to keep in mind to find the kingdom of God and then do whatever his will is on the way.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Measuring the cost: Life Balance

This week I read the words of President Thomas S. Monson and the formula for success, First fill you mind with truth, In spite of all the knowledge we can acquire, we must always return to the truth of God and bring all the things we learn to the confirmation of the spirit, even scientific knowledge he will guide us to find.
second, fill your life with service: because in helping others it fullfills the fact of knowing things and possess wealthy after all what other purpose could be peaceful for a man a poor man like me when turn rich if not serving the Lord and others?. Fill your heart will love, I may keep my heart the efforts my mom did to keep me alive, When I was born I was diagonesed with Hidrocephalus, she took care of me and I survived. There I found the closest sample of love near to the Love of God for me or in other words the way the Lord love me through the Heart of my mom. Balance your life is challenging, especially when you face many other challenges at the same time, I like the experience of the sheperd in the alchimist while he was traveling in serching for his dreams he got robbed, in his mind "what to think poor me victim of this luck? or Well this is part of the journey, let's embrace it and move forward? I am in a journey and I am taking my family with me. Money is important but we truly need to learn how to live a life where money is a tool but not the end of life. It is vital to be able to tell the difference and live according to it.

Dream big dreams

Loyalty and leadership

Friday, March 13, 2015

Overcoming Challenges

It is 3: 38 am. here in Lima Peru, It is a miracle for me that in spite of the fact of all the challenges we have been facing I have been able to pay my rent, feed my family and buy materials for school now the school year has begun, I am more than thankful to the lord for the blessings, This week I thought the lessons were personally designed for me As I read from president Thomas S. Monson in the reading " looking back and moving forward" " It was said of the Savior that He went about doing good... for God was with him" I have not complained about my challenges but at times it was tiring and sometimes frustrating not being able to do the things I wanted to do. Prayers with my family have helped a lot though.I tried then to be in good shape to help others in spite of my own difficulties. I also found Inspiring the words of Elder Jeffrey R Holland when he cited Winston Churchill in his speech "However Long and Hard the Road" “I would say to the House, as I said to those who have joined this Government: ‘I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.’“We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering. You ask what is our policy? I will say: It is to wage war, by sea, land, and air, with all our might and with all our strength that God can give us: … That is our policy. You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: Victory—victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror; victory, however long and hard the road may be” (Churchill, the Life Triumphant, American Heritage Publishing Co., 1965, p. 90). I will keep moving forward From the e- video I learned to ask the proper question to find the problems that most of the time are humans. I want also to mention that in this part of my life the video "Good things to come" I have watched before, this time has a special meaning and effect. I even shared it on my facebook account and quoted this: "Don't you quit, you keep walking, you keep trying, there is help and happiness ahead, some blessings come soon, some come late, AND SOME DON'T COME TILL HEAVEN, but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, They come, it will be alright in the end, TRUST GOD, and believe in good things to come" I feel like this these days. the other thing that helped me a lot was the report I made on mentor session 4. It made me think and be aware about important things that are going to be useful in my entrepreneurial journey.